FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
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Dr Cheryl holding a bowl with green peppers

The Dr Cheryl Wellness Membership

The Dr. Cheryl Wellness Method has been used by thousands to regulate their glucose, turn on their body's natural health defense, combat disease and feel amazing. The Method integrates simple, scientifically proven strategies to steady your blood sugar, heal your body and feel amazing. Complete with a four-week guide to started, proram, masterclass video series, interactive workbook and recipes helpyou reach your biggest wellness goals.

Those that followed the program integrating the proven Method into their daily routine, reported having more energy, fewer cravings, less hunger, less interest in midday snacking, clearer skin, improved mood and hormonal balance, brain fog improving, better sleep and improved gut health like less gastric reflux and digestion, and improved metabolic health. People found it easy to keep the habits going because the Method makes sense and gets results quickly.

The Dr. Cheryl Wellness Method is here to make it easy, fun, delicious and beautiful. After trying it for four weeks, you can decide if you want to make it part of your lifelong wellness routine. My bet is you will.

Everything you need is all inside the Dr. Cheryl Wellness Membership, to guide you every step of the way, keep you informed and supercharge your motivation and fast-track your wellness goals.
Let's create the life you dreamed of.

Check out what you'll get inside the membership all outlined below.
See the results below from pilot experiment with 1000+ clients who used my proven program and methods to score up their wellness routine for 10-days, 2 years and up to 6 years.

Join Membership

No more cravings
and constant hunger.

No more midday energy slumps, sleepless nights, rollercoaster blood sugar levels, digestive issues, difficulty losing weight, and constant fatigue.

Can you imagine how you’ll feel one month from now? Years from now?

I can.

Your path to feeling amazing starts here, today...

Dr Cheryl pouring lemon and cucumber infused water into a glass.
Lots of oranges

Ready to prioritize your health?
I'm here to help...

Dr Cheryl opening her fridge - smiling to the camera.

Ready to try a proven Method from an expert you can trust?
I'm here to help...

Join the Dr. Cheryl Wellness Membership and make feeling amazing, easy, fun, delicious and beautiful.

Join Membership

Get 20+ years of nutrition medicine at your fingertips with the Dr. Cheryl Wellness Method.

Inside Dr. Cheryl’s Wellness Membership, it's all here,
everything you need to integrate the simple, scientifically proven strategies with habits, hacks and meals for steady blood glucose, cutting cravings, getting your energy back & healing your body.
You'll get secure, instant access to the Dr Cheryl Wellness Program on the Membership site, accessible on any computer, tablet or mobile device.


Adults and kids out biking in a beautiful landscape

The Wellness Score: Integrate the habits and foods into your wellness lifestyle.

  • Integrate the scientifically proven strategies, hacks, habits and meals to steady your glucose and heal your body into your daily routine. In video lessons and interactive workbook.

  • Know your Wellness Score. The Score identifies the Method with the 10 foods and 10 habits with the ideal daily dose. Discover which foods and healthy habits are holding you back and which ones are propelling you forward to unlock your full wellness potential and feel better than you ever thought possible.

  • The 10-habits and 10 foods are easy to integrate into your daily wellness routine and will make sense to you AND you will get results quick.

  • The member version of the Wellness Score lets you track your success and gauge your progress through the membership site.

    Higher daily Wellness Scores over time align with greatest impact on regaining your energy, transforming your body, building muscle, losing excess body, reducing your risk factors for disease and achieving your optimal health.

    Scroll down to the yellow section to get the real results from the pilot experiment of 1000 clients who following the Dr. Cheryl Wellness Method in the TakeTEN 10-day retreat and integrated the proven strategies -- raising their wellness score from a baseline of 7-10 points up to 19+/20 for 10 days. People found it easy to keep the habits going because the Method program makes sense and gets results quick. The best part most people choose to continue the habits and make them part of their lifelong wellness journey and we have have great results at 2 years and 6 years. These exciting results can be yours with Dr Cheryl Wellness Membership.

Dr Cheryl Wellness Method Masterclass & Interactive Workbook

  • You'll get my complete Dr Cheryl Wellness masterclass
    10+ video course with the proven strategies and training to transform your body and reclaim your health.

    I bring you scientifically backed food and habits in the Method with a get started 4-week guide to help you integrate the habits and foods in the Method in your daily routine, in video lessons and workbook located in the membership site.

  • Whether you want to master an existing condition like insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or cancer or if you want to defy your genetics, you'll learn how to use the food and habits in the Method to target the root cause of disease and early aging.

  • Beyond what you eat, the Method integrates daily habits to help you cope with daily stress that comes your way. Learn strategies to shift mindset for situations you may encounter, from stress eating in the afternoon, to overeating on the weekends, to dealing with holidays and so much more, in video lessons.

Dr Cheryl standing in a dining room.


A couple are both looking on a laptop together in a beautiful office.


Enjoy new content every month (unlimited access)

  • Members-only podcast to listen or watch the weekly coaching messages from Dr. Cheryl.
    Access the full library of past coaching sessions on the "Ask Dr. Cheryl" Podcast located in the membership site.

    Enjoy new recipes, guides, trainings, weekly members and coaching calls are available every month on everything from feeling confident in a bathing suit to sitting next to judgmental aunts at Thanksgiving.

    I'll also dive deeper each week into how to stop the constant hunger and cravings, what to make for dinner, how do I feed picky kids, and so much more. The new content will be driven by your questions, comments and interest.

  • New content with a weekly dose of wellness email landing in your inbox every week so you never miss any new content and stay informed and inspired along the way.

Simple meal planning
Recipes: Healthy & Delicious Food

  • The meal planner makes creating meals that balance glucose spikes, boost energy, cut cravings with foods that heal the body SO EASY.

    Through my interactive meal plan tool to guide you to create simple meals, small plates, blended meals, and snack options, you can either build meals from what's in your fridge and pantry, or follow the recipes and meal plans I create.

  • The Method is all about making anti-spike meals that balance blood glucose and keep you full and energized between meals eating foods you love and foods that heal. The meal planning tools create food combinations that curb hunger, balance blood sugar, transform you body by building muscle, regaining energy and reclaim your health by turning on your body's natural health defense and add more healthy years to your life.

  • You will get nutrition tips to score up your wellness on every plate, integrating the hacks, habits and healthy foods from your daily Wellness Score. See how easy it is to raise your Wellness Score and feel better than you thought possible just by what you put on your plate.

  • You will find anti-spike recipes and meals that heal for everyone. If cooking isn't your thing, I've got you.
    If you love to cook or want to learn to cook healthy & delicious meals, WOW do I have you!

  • Enjoy the full recipe library. Let's build better meals that blend delicious and healthy and satisfy hunger and cravings.

Hand sprinkling chili flakes over a pan of asparagus.


Dr Cheryl standing in her kitchen holding a fresh broccoli floret.



  • You'll get the ongoing support and supercharge motivation and inspiration you need to get you started and keep you on track with weekly coaching sessions.

    I'm your dedicated partner on the path to live your healthiest and happiest life, backed by a legacy of trust and transformative care.

    I'll bring you fresh content, latest health news & nutrition science, weekly inspiration and help you with any personal struggles, and answer all your questions that come up along the way.

  • If new symptoms arrive or you get a scary diagnosis or treating an existing one, you have a trusted expert in nutrition medicine you can turn too.

  • Ask me your most pressing questions anytime. Get a second opinion. I'm here for you bringing 20+ years of expertise to you.

  • Get a dose of wellness delivered to your inbox to stay inspired from me, Dr. Cheryl, and never miss any of the latest member content.

Join Membership

Be heard, get help.
I'm here for YOU.

Dr Cheryl smiling in her dining room.

My heart’s desire for you is wherever you are today on your wellness journey, you are fully empowered, wholly informed. I'm your dedicated partner to inspire you and help you create a wellness lifestyle and succeed in the path to live your best life.

I bring you my wellness Method with simple, scientifically proven strategies, habits and foods, with a 4-week guide to get started and all the innovative tools and expert coaching you need to succeed. The Dr. Cheryl Wellness Method makes feeling amazing and healing your body easy, fun, delicious, and beautiful.

Let's navigate this journey together.

The Dr Cheryl Wellness Pilot Experiment Results:
10-day results from a sample of 1000+ people following my Method integrating the proven strategies, hacks, habits, foods and meals with the goal to raise their daily Wellness Scores to 18+/20 and eat meals created by the Dr. Cheryl Meal Plan designed to lower the glucose curve with foods that heal.
They followed my proven program and the Wellness Score was the tool used to self-report their food intake and daily habits practiced and measure change in their eating and healthy habits.

The Intervention:
Changes in eating habits and habits measured by The Wellness Score (my 20-point diet & lifestyle score)
The average baseline score was 7 - 10 points out of 20 points possible. The 10-day outcomes were Wellness Scores average increased 9 to 13 points daily with scores of 19+/20 daily (self-reported). They ate 3 meals per day created from Dr. Cheryl Plate meal planner for 10-days.
The goal is to score up your DAILY WELLNESS ROUTINE.

Total Body Wellness Goals:

Transform You Body results:
The average weight loss in those with a BMI 27 or greater (classified as overweight) was a drop of 4.8 pounds; those with a BMI 30 or greater (classified as obese) was an even greater drop of 5.2 pounds with a 4.0 pounds LOSS in body fat and average 1 pound muscle mass GAINED.
The average waist size in those with elevated waist size of 40 inches or greater dropped 1 inch in waist size.

Total Body Wellness Reclaim Health
Pre-diabetes /diabetes results:

Fasting blood sugar dropped 40.5 mg/dL;
A1C dropped while reducing insulin by 28%
and reducing 0.9 medications for prescribed for lowering blood sugar.

Cardiovascular disease risk factor results:
High triglycerides dropped 96mg/dL;
High cholesterol dropped 40.9 mg/dL;
High systolic blood pressure dropped 22.5 mm/Hg;
High diastolic blood pressure dropped 15.1 mm/Hg;
Inflammation measured by C reactive protein (hCRP) 0.3 mg/dL or greater dropped 34%.

Total Body Wellness Lasting Impact:
The exciting part is results at10-days, 2 years up to 6 years later just keep getting better for the majority of people. The average weight loss was 12.9 pounds in those with a BMI 30 or greater. A1C dropped from 6.7% to the normal range of 5.7% in 2 years practicing higher daily Wellness Scores.

The best part, people reported these habits were easy to integrate into their daily routine and made sense and the results were quick.

These RESULTS can be yours.

Ready to see how the Dr. Cheryl Wellness Method works for you?
Try the Method out for 4-weeks integrating the 10-habits and foods with the hacks to help you balance your blood sugars and eat more foods that heal. After 4-weeks you can see your results and decide if you want to continue with the Method and make it part of your lifelong wellness routine. My bet is you will.

If you're ready to feel amazing. Meet me on the inside.

Join membership

Ready to feel amazing & prioritize your health?
Join the membership.

Dr Cheryl is standing by the stove, smiling towards the camera.

Ready to cut cravings, get your energy back, feel amazing and heal with a proven Method created by an expert you can trust?

Join Dr Cheryl Wellness Membership

I can’t wait to see you on the inside.

Join Membership

Join Dr Cheryl Wellness Membership

You get immediate access to the online program with all the tools and resources.


Join monthly
Most flexible plan!


JOIN annually
Most value plan!

You save 40% with 5 FREE months when you purchase 12-month annually compared to when you purchase monthly.

Cancel anytime, no questions asked.

There is no long-term commitment.
I want to make this an easy "YES" for you so you can cancel anytime.

Say the word and all future charges disappear.
You deserve more ease and fewer hassles, and I've got you covered!


What type of doctor is Dr. Cheryl?

If I follow Dr. Cheryl’s prescription, will I still need to take my
prescribed medicine?

How can I integrate Dr. Cheryl’s personalized wellness score with what my
provider has planned for me?

I have a new diagnosis and my doctor told me I needed to eat better and lose
weight, but I don’t know where to start.

What is Dr. Cheryl’s Wellness Membership?

It’s a wellness membership where you get the Dr. Cheryl Wellness Method and scientifically proven strategies with a 4-week get started guide to make integrating the habits and meals into your daily routine. It will help you fast-track your wellness journey and supercharge your motivation.

You get unlimited 24/7 access to my Dr Cheryl Wellness masterclass 10-video course, interactive workbook, expert coaching and all the tools and resources your need to prioritize yourself and your health. You'll get support to create your personal wellness lifestyle, track your success and gauge your progress. Get help with your personal struggles and answers to all your questions. You get a weekly dose of wellness in your inbox from me, Dr. Cheryl. I can't wait to see you on the inside and help you achieve your biggest total body wellness goals.

Who is the Dr Cheryl Wellness membership for?
Who is Dr Cheryl Wellness membership NOT for?

Those over 18 years old, who want prioritize their health and create a wellness lifestyle designed to transform their body to build more muscle and lose excess body fat the healthy way... for the last time.

For those over 18 years old, who want to reclaim their energy and live a life they love.

For those over 18 years old, who want to defy their genetics.

For those over 18 years old, who want help for an existing medical condition and want to reclaim their health.

For those under the age of 18 years old, signing up through a parent to get support eating healthy and living well at every age.

In your 40s – 60s? We have a whole group of women working on pre and post-menopausal total body wellness with building muscle, losing excess weight, and dealing with hormone issues and mindset shifts for total body wellness in every decade. You are in good company!

Dietary preferences & allergies: The Dr Cheryl meal plans can be adjusted for any dietary preference or restriction, e.g. vegetarian, vegans, whole food plant based diets, gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, omnivore, Mediterranean, etc. The Dr Cheryl Meal Plan is whole food, plant-forward approach leaving room on your plate to add your favorite comfort foods to keep you in the game for the long run. You'll get options to replace foods that don't work for you for any reason. Small tweaks to your plate adding more of the foods that heal make a huge impact on your body's energy and healing.

If you have medical issues and want to reclaim your health: Many women join Dr Cheryl Wellness program have medical concerns and are looking for foods and lifestyle habits to improve their condition. If you have a chronic disease (such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure) consult with your doctor about your new eating and wellness plan. Your new wellness plan may require adjusts to your blood pressure medications, your blood sugar regime and your other medications may be impacted based on changing your diet and wellness routine. Let's talk about your medical concerns and be sure you are fully informed as you create the your individual wellness plan for your preferences & wellness goals.

Those who want to prevent the first symptom, prevent lifestyle diseases, treat and existing condition or scary diagnosis (yours or your loved ones). For those struggling with high blood glucose, losing weight, insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, heart disease, cancer or just feeling off, the Dr. Cheryl Wellness Method will make it easy help you regain your health.

Outside the US? I only use whole, real foods in the meals, so even if you’re outside the US, you should be able to find everything you need!

The Dr Cheryl Wellness Membership is NOT for you if:
You're under the age of 18 and not signed up through a parent.

Dr Cheryl Wellness meal plans are not suitable for dedicated to diets eating ONLY animal products (carnivore, raw carnivore, or strict keto with the goal of staying in ketosis. Note: most keto diets are not meeting this goal and will work with Dr. Cheryl Wellness.

If you are being currently being treated for cancer with chemotherapy or radiation, please consult with your oncologist and health care providers before starting any new diet or wellness program including Dr Cheryl Wellness program. The power of food and habits as medicine may impact your treatment plan.

This program is NOT for: those who have an eating disorder and are in recent recovery.

Can I make a donation to the Dr. Cheryl Wellness mission?

Yes! We are carrying the same philosophy we had at our TakeTEN®   in-person model. Your donation will support bringing wellness to the world through ongoing, high volume free content and sponsoring memberships for those who crave wellness but do not have the funds to join. Thank you for supporting the mission of wellness for ALL. Donate here.

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes, at any time. No questions asked. We want this to be an easy "YES" for you. Say the word and all future charges will be canceled. You deserve more easy and fewer hassles. Just head to your DCW Wellness Member account profile and click “cancel subscription.”

You can cancel your membership yourself at any time, no questions asked. Whatever option you purchased, you’ll have access to Dr Cheryl Wellness Membership until the end of that period. So if you purchased the monthly plan and canceled, you’ll have access until the end of the month. If you purchased the year, you will have access to DCW Membership until the anniversary of your purchase.

There are no refunds. Dr Cheryl Wellness membership is an information product, and therefore can’t be returned. However, we are extremely confident that if you follow the simple steps in the proven program, YOU will be successful in changing your life.

If I become a member, do I get immediate access to the membership content?

Absolutely! You get secure, instant access to the Dr Cheryl Wellness Membership site, accessible on any computer, tablet or mobile device.

Once you join my wellness membership you’ll receive an email with your private log-in information. From there, you’ll head to the membership page and get immediate access to all the exclusive member content on your personal member dashboard. This is your DCW membership site where you access all the membership program, tools and resources.

I’m a physician/provider or employer. Can I refer my patients to Dr Cheryl WEllness membership? How do I set up an employee wellness program.

We love partnering with physicians, providers or employer to provide their patients /employees all the benefits of the DCW wellness membership with all the training, coaching tools and resources for total body wellness.
Refer your patients to our website or contact us directly if you would like to discuss a concierge program for your patients that includes the DCW Wellness Membership --