FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
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     Your FREE Wellness Score
       Result HERE⤵


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A Proven Wellness Lifestyle Is In Your Hands and Within Your Reach

Ready to know what your Wellness Score means?

Dr. Cheryl is holding a glass jar with garlics and smiling towards the camera

The meaning

The Wellness Score assesses your metabolic health based on how you eat and your daily habits. It's a tool to help you create a wellness lifestyle to take charge of your wellness, without the need for medical tests.

The score assesses your daily eating habits, hydration, physical activity, sleep hours & quality, stress reduction activities, and healthy habits practiced.

It reveals your risk for metabolic diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, cancer, kidney disease as well as weight issues, elevated waist size and muscle loss with age.

Higher scores indicate a lower risk, thanks to the healthy eating and lifestyle behaviors, lower score highlight areas for improvement to reach your wellness goals.

With 60% of adults living with metabolic diseases and 80% of these conditions being preventable through healthy eating and lifestyle changes, its time to take action.  Whether you are looking to get your energy back, prevent disease or manage an existing condition, the score is your key to live a healthier, happier and longer life.

I've helped thousands of people become empowered to take charge of their wellness to improve their health and vitality by simply raising their wellness score-- and you have my promise... it works!

Join my membership if you're hungry for more and are ready to create a wellness lifestyle and live the life you love.
(check out the proof below)

How it works

Shoot for 18+/20 points daily in your wellness lifestyle.

The Wellness Score gives you a daily target goal of 18+/20 points. This is your guide to creating a wellness lifestyle with a proven path to live your healthiest most vibrant life.

Each food or healthy habit has a daily dose target goal and you earn ONE point on your score when you hit the daily dose. Higher scores over time equals lower risk and living your best life.
Remember what matters is how you eat and live most days of the week. We are not asking for perfection here. This is real life.

For example, if you add one cup of berries to your daily meals you ADD ONE point on Your Wellness Score.

The goal: A daily Wellness Score of 18+/20 practiced over time gives your body the fuel it needs for energy, building muscle and healing and the nourishing habits your body needs to reach your biggest wellness goals.

Remember eating healthy foods and adopting healthy habits is the only proven way to reach your biggest wellness goals... beyond a medicine. beyond a diet. beyond a theory.

Want to learn more about how to create a wellness routine that works and how to raise your Score to feel better, beat disease and live more healthy years?
I am here to help.

I designed all of the Dr. Cheryl Wellness tools and resources with you in mind.
Get inspired. Listen to my new podcast
The Wellness Table. Read my blog and make the healthy delicious recipes and enjoy the weekly email bringing you my latest new content all about helping you score up your health and move inspiration to action.

If you're ready to prioritize you health and start living your best life, I invite you to join my Wellness Membership today.
You'll get my proven program that has helped thousands of people transform their life. You also get all the innovative tools including the member version of the Wellness Score to track your habits to see your success and gauge your progress over time. You get 24/7 unlimited access to everything in your membership site.

Ready to make this your healthiest & most vibrant year yet⤵

LEarn MOre about membership
A group of four women standing by the apples in an organic food store.
A glass of orange juice and some fresh oranges on a table.

The proof

Want the proof?

I created this do-it-yourself Wellness Score to help my 2000+ clients become empowered to take charge of their own wellness. To create a wellness routines that work unique for them and their make healthy habits stick.

Here is how it works...

When someone scored for just 10 days they saw:

1 inch drop in waist size with a 18+/20 Wellness Score practiced for just 10 days.

Reduced body weight in those overweight, percent of body fat dropped and muscle increased by up to 1 pound in just 10 days.

Systolic Blood pressure dropped by 22 pts & diastolic blood pressure dropped ~10%

Balanced blood sugar and insulin resistance improved by over 20%

Improved cholesterol levels and triglycerides dropped on average of 50 points.

Reduced inflammation by over 25%

Improved digestion and gut health in just 10 days

Dropped the need to rely solely on medication to treat health condition or disease

When your wellness routine hits a daily score of 18+/20 over time, even starting as late as age of 50 people, you can still add 10 to 12 years more healthy years to your life, and start living your best life today.

...and so much more.
It's a simple path to create a wellness routine proven to work!
I am here to help.

for your

Dr. Cheryl is pouring citrus and mint infused water into a drinking glass.

Hi, I'm Dr. Cheryl
Ready to Score Up your wellness routine?

I am here to help.

I invite you to look for my weekly email coming to your inbox so you don't miss any of my free resources - Wellness Score, podcast, blog, recipes and weekly email all designed to help you move your inspiration into action and create a wellness routine that works.

If you are ready to prioritize yourself and regain your health AND don't want to do it alone, I am here to help.

Join me on the inside of my  Wellness Membership. I'll personally guide you every step of the way to create a wellness lifestyle tailored for you. You'll get weekly coaching, my masterclass and all the tools and resources your wellness goals have been missing.  

   Join MEmbership

This Wellness Score is FREE, but the results "priceless".

Join Membership $37A young woman sitting by her laptop holding a coffee mug in her hand.
A plate with fresh vegetables and quinoa.