Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.

Welcome Wellness Friend! I am so excited to see you here today!

Here is where the magic happen on the inside of my DCW wellness membership!
My goal is for you to feel like my client in the TakeTEN 10-day wellness retreat, but all from the comfort of your home at your own pace.
Explore each tab at the top of your membership home page to find the tools & resources.
Please feel free reach out to me in the forum to "ask me a question" or email me directly at Join me for the next live session to ask your question "live" and if you miss the live events, I will email members the recorded session for you to view at your convenience.
Welcome to wellness, Dr. Cheryl

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My wellness check-in
Set your personal wellness goals!

Ready to invest in your best health with results that last?

Dr. Cheryl in the kitchen holding a jar with garliv

Let's start by measuring what matters most... beyond the scale... your plate, your habits, your efforts, your wins. And it's all measured in your daily Diet & Wellness SCORE. It just takes 5 minutes to know your daily score and set your wellness goals.

Create your personal wellness goals here to track your success and reach your biggest wellness goals. Remember it starts one bite and one habit at a time and every small change you raises your SCORE and moves you in the right direction;

Creating your "wellness WHY", your "wellness goals" and your habit score goals AND recording them here is one big step to help you make easy healthy habits that stick!

Take just 5 minutes to answer the questions below and watch this food and lifestyle medicine heal your body right before your eyes.

Each point represents 1 of the 10 life-changing foods and 1 of the 10 game-changing habits and as the SCORE increases on you'll witness first hand the power of these daily habits when practiced for just 10-days your body reshape and your health begin to transform.

Raising your daily SCORE and making your new habits stick is where the magic happens my friend, and that's worth celebrating.

Your answers will populate on your Member Dashboard and will refresh each time you set your new goals.

Ready to see the magic?
It all starts here.

Knowing and naming your why is the fuel that turns great ideas into daily decisions that lead to lasting change. This might feel unimportant at first, but don’t skip the why for the how.

Every point counts! Shoot to add one point to your daily SCORE. Or maybe you want to choose three points to focus on this month to get started on your lifestyle reset. Maybe you want to go all in and get faster results and redesign your wellness routine and get a daily score of 18+/20 and watch your body reshape and your health transform in just 10-days and in 3 months even more. When you make thiese new habits stick is where you begin to feel younger and thrive longer.

A daily Diet & Wellness Score of 18+/20 practiced for just 10-days will give you results. We have proof with the over 2000 TakeTEN clients who attended our 10-day retreat to averaged daily SCOREs of 19/20 for just 10-days with amazing results in body reshaping and health reclaimed.

Choose 3 wellness habits options to focus on this month
Choose an option below for your personal health goal
Choose an option
Choose an option

Thanks, your dashboard has been updated with your latest check-in!

Take time to record your wellness check-in daily for the first week, weekly until you reach your goals, and monthly to move from wellness to wholeness and stay on track for life.

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