Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.

Welcome Wellness Friend! I am so excited to see you here today!

Here is where the magic happen on the inside of my DCW wellness membership!
My goal is for you to feel like my client in the TakeTEN 10-day wellness retreat, but all from the comfort of your home at your own pace.
Explore each tab at the top of your membership home page to find the tools & resources.
Please feel free reach out to me in the forum to "ask me a question" or email me directly at Join me for the next live session to ask your question "live" and if you miss the live events, I will email members the recorded session for you to view at your convenience.
Welcome to wellness, Dr. Cheryl

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Welcome to
Your Wellness Lifestyle Score!

Start Wellness Score

A wellness tracker to help you create a wellness lifestyle that works for you.

The goal of this score is to help you get honest about your eating and lifestyle practices, so you can create a wellness lifestyle to improve your habits and feel your best.

These are the 10 foods and 10 lifestyle habits I personally recommend paying attention to because they are science-backed to greatly impact our immunity, mental clarity, energy, blood sugar, digestion, overall mood and longevity.

For example, when we are drinking too much alcohol, or not eating enough nourishing foods, or not getting enough sleep, it's hard to have energy and easy to get sick. You get the picture!

Take a moment each day to jot down your foods, and self-care activities. At the end of the day or week take your score and see how well you did and which areas need some attention.

Set a goal to raise your daily scores.
Track your scores
to gauge your progress.

A daily score of 18+/20 over time is how your reach your biggest wellness goals.

Start Wellness Score
Dr. Cheryl standing in a doorway

The Wellness Score gives you my recommendations of what to eat daily and daily lifestyle habits with target goals, based on research and distills it into a 20-point daily score to make it simple.

You can take in just about 5 minutes. It helps you see how well you did and which areas need some attention.

This is your simple tool to help you create a wellness lifestyle that works for you. Set a goal to raise your daily scores. Higher daily scores is your path to total body wellness.

Remember, it’s simple.
If you add a scoop of ground flaxseed into your smoothie and take a 10 minute walk after each meal, you raise your score points and are on YOUR WAY to wellness.

Keep in mind we're not going for perfection here.  This isn't meant to stress you out. It's only meant to be a reality check so we can stay focused on our self-care and prioritize our health, where and when needed.

You can live your best life when you prioritize your self-care and create your wellness goals and lifestyle habits that work.

Let’s start!

Start Wellness Score

The proof

Eating 2 cups of whole fruits and vegetables at every meal flips the standard American plate made up of only 10% whole plant foods and makes a super plate loaded with the healthiest foods on the planet. Foods with the power to fight disease, heal the gut, reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and live healthier longer. Shoot to fill half your plate, bowl, or smoothie with whole fruits and vegetables. Fresh, frozen, or blended all count as fruits and vegetables and add one very valuable point to Our Score.

How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you eat every day?

Nature is the ultimate pharmacy. My #1 healthy eating tip for you is to eat your fruits and veggies.
Fill up half of every plate with these healing foods. This includes any variety of all fruits and vegetables, fresh or frozen.

Veggies: 4+ servings daily (1 serving = 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked or blended)
Fruits: 3+ servings daily (1 serving = 1 cup raw, 1/2 cup chopped or blended, 1 tennis ball sized fruit) Fruit juice doesn't count.

Don't worry if you don't hit these numbers exactly. Get started trying to eat fruits and vegetables with every meal and add more as you go. I created the Super 6 Smoothie recipe to help me add more healing fruits and vegetables to my day.

Record your number of servings for today and set your goals to increase your intake to meet the daily goal.

The proof

Eating 2 cups of whole fruits and vegetables at every meal flips the standard American plate made up of only 10% whole plant foods and makes a super plate loaded with the healthiest foods on the planet. Foods with the power to fight disease, heal the gut, reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and live healthier longer. Shoot to fill half your plate, bowl, or smoothie with whole fruits and vegetables. Fresh, frozen, or blended all count as fruits and vegetables and add one very valuable point to Our Score.

A woman holding a green smoothie

The proof

When you think brain food, think berries. When you think healthy blood vessels, think berries. All berries are powerhouse superfoods loaded with antioxidants that fight the free radicals that damage our DNA and set us up for disease. Eating just 10 to 12 blueberries daily measurably lowers blood pressure and boosts memory. Eating sweet delicious berries can actually improve insulin resistance and decreases risk of diabetes. Add an easy point by eating handfuls of delicious berries every day and feel better today.

How many berries do you eat daily?

Berries are the number one antioxidant-rich food.  They have the power to turn on our body's natural healing and improve cognitive function and boost energy.  If you're worried about fruits spiking your blood sugar, focus more on berries for your daily fruit intake. They are loaded with fiber to help deliver a balanced blood sugar response and improve insulin sensitivity to your body.

This includes all varieties of berries. All forms of berries count whether fresh, frozen, blended, cooked, or dried.

The daily berry intake also counts toward your total daily servings of fruits and vegetables. So you get double credit when you eat berries.

The proof

When you think brain food, think berries. When you think healthy blood vessels, think berries.  All berries are powerhouse superfoods loaded with antioxidants that fight the free radicals that damage our DNA and set us up for disease. Eating just 10 to 12 blueberries daily measurably lowers blood pressure and boosts memory. Eating sweet delicious berries can actually improve insulin resistance and decreases risk of diabetes. Add an easy point by eating handfuls of delicious berries every day and feel better today.

A woman holding blueberries

The proof

When you think healthy gut, think dark leafy vegetables. And when you think cancer-fighting, heart health, and bone health think dark leafy greens. All dark leafy greens are powerhouse superfoods that most of us don’t eat often enough. Dark leafy greens are loaded with key nutrients and antioxidants that fight disease including decreasing blood pressure and inflammation and support muscle recovery post exercise. Eating dark leafy greens is an easy way to boost your health and add one more point to Your Score.

How many cups of dark leafy greens do you eat daily?

Dark leafy greens are loaded with healing compounds and fiber and very low in calories.  They do not raise blood sugar and are the perfect food to include daily as part of your new wellness lifestyle. Try to include greens in at least one meal per day. Add them to your daily smoothie.

Dark leafy greens includes spinach, Swiss chard, and all lettuce varieties. Kale and arugula are the two dark leafy greens that are also in the cruciferous vegetable family.

Tip: Triple your points when you eat kale or arugula!
It counts as one cup of dark leafy greens; AND one cup of cruciferous vegetables; AND adds 1 more serving of veggies to your total servings of fruits and vegetables.

The proof

When you think healthy gut, think dark leafy vegetables. And when you think cancer-fighting, heart health, and bone health think dark leafy greens. All dark leafy greens are powerhouse superfoods that most of us don’t eat often enough. Dark leafy greens are loaded with key nutrients and antioxidants that fight disease including decreasing blood pressure and inflammation and support muscle recovery post exercise. Eating dark leafy greens is an easy way to boost your health and add one more point to Your Score.

Leafy Greens

The proof

When you think cruciferous vegetables think chemoprevention cancer fighting foods. Cruciferous vegetables are powerhouse whole plant foods that are known for their cancer protective effect including fighting breast cancer and countless overall health benefits, even in small amounts. You can eat them fresh, cooked, or blended and add one more point to Your Score.

How many cups of cruciferous vegetables do you eat daily?

What in the world is cruciferous? Things like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, radishes, rutabaga, turnips, bok choy, and horseradish.

And guess what? Kale and arugula land in this group as leafy green cruciferous vegetables.

Cruciferous vegetables are the powerhouse veggies. They fight cancer and turn on the body's natural healing.  This is food as medicine at its best. Try to include at least one serving every day to your meals.

Tip: Eating cruciferous vegetables gives you double credit. Get 1 point for eating 1/2 cup per day and get credit towards your total daily servings of fruits and vegetables.

I add 1 cup of broccoli or kale to my daily smoothie to be sure I get my daily cruciferous veggies and boosting my daily servings of veggies.

The proof

When you think cruciferous vegetables think chemoprevention cancer fighting foods. Cruciferous vegetables are powerhouse whole plant foods that are known for their cancer protective effect including fighting breast cancer and countless overall health benefits, even in small amounts. You can eat them fresh, cooked, or blended and add one more point to Your Score.


The proof

We are not afraid of bread around here. Whole grain breads, cereals, and pasta are loaded with fiber, energy, and plant protein with key nutrients. Research shows eating whole grain breads and cereals is associated with decreased risk of coronary heart disease. Gluten is the protein found in whole wheat and makes our favorite breads. There are major health benefits from eating whole grains like heart health and gut health. Those with celiac disease or gluten allergies should avoid gluten containing grains and choose other whole grains without gluten protein like quinoa and oats. But for everyone else here is the deal, gluten is a plant protein that lowers your risk of heart disease by 15% after adjusting for processed grains. Add one more point to Your Score by choosing more whole grains every day.

How much whole grains and starchy vegetables do you eat daily?

What is whole grain? Grains that are intact and not processed ie. brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat, farro, amaranth, corn, cereals like oatmeal and barley.
It also includes pasta and breads made from whole grains.

Refined grains like white rice or processed flour don't count here.

You may also include starchy vegetables like potatoes, yams, winter squash like butternut and acorn.

Whole intact grains: 1 serving = 1/2 cup cooked
Pasta or rice, whole grain variety: 1/2 cup cooked
Whole grain breads: 1 slice whole grain bread
Starchy vegetables: 1/2 cup cooked

The proof

We are not afraid of bread around here. Whole grain breads, cereals, and pasta are loaded with fiber, energy, and plant protein with key nutrients. Research shows eating whole grain breads and cereals is associated with decreased risk of coronary heart disease. Gluten is the protein found in whole wheat and makes our favorite breads. There are major health benefits from eating whole grains like heart health and gut health. Those with celiac disease or gluten allergies should avoid gluten containing grains and choose other whole grains without gluten protein like quinoa and oats. But for everyone else here is the deal, gluten is a plant protein that lowers your risk of heart disease by 15% after adjusting for processed grains. Add one more point to Your Score by choosing more whole grains every day.

Musli bars

The proof

When you think plant powered protein, think beans and legumes. They are loaded with plant protein amino acids needed to build a healthy body. They are made of whole carbs that provide energy to the cells, along with insoluble fiber for a healthy gut and soluble fiber to balance blood sugar and decrease cholesterol naturally. Stay full for 4 hours with meals that include beans and legumes because they contain two of the major components in food that turns off hunger cues - PROTEIN and FIBER! Adding just 1/2 cup of beans each day gives you one more point to Your Score and countless health benefits.

How many beans and legumes do you eat daily?

All beans and legumes count including beans of all varieties: beans, chickpeas, lentils, and split peas. Even soybeans, peanuts, and alfalfa sprouts are all in the legume family.

Did you know just adding 20 beans at every meal can be as effective as a cholesterol lowering medication? You can throw 20 beans into your soup or smoothie if you need to boost your daily beans and legumes.

Trouble tolerating the side effects of beans and legumes? Get started by eating just 10 beans a day and build up to 20 and you will find your tolerance for beans will improve over time. Moving up to 1/2 cup of cooked beans per day is the goal for optimal health. Find the beans or legumes you like best. Blend them up as a spread, throw a few hidden in your smoothie or add them to a salad dressing for a creamy dressing.  Those that don't love beans will never know they are there.
1/2 cup per day at one meal is the goal for optimal health.

The proof

When you think plant powered protein, think beans and legumes. They are loaded with plant protein amino acids needed to build a healthy body. They are made of whole carbs that provide energy to the cells, along with insoluble fiber for a healthy gut and soluble fiber to balance blood sugar and decrease cholesterol naturally. Stay full for 4 hours with meals that include beans and legumes because they contain two of the major components in food that turns off hunger cues - PROTEIN and FIBER! Adding just 1/2 cup of beans each day gives you one more point to Your Score and countless health benefits.

Bean casserole

The proof

Nuts are loaded with plant protein, healthy plant fats, fiber, and important nutrients. Research shows that those who ate nuts 1 to 4 times per week lowered their risk of fatal heart attack by 74%. And those who ate nuts 5 or more times per week there was a lower risk of coronary heart disease even if over the age of 80, for those overweight, and even for those who smoked. Nuts are high in arginine an amino acid key in producing nitric oxide that relaxes the arterial wall and lowers blood pressure in hours of consumption. Nuts also reduce plaque in the arteries to prevent and treat coronary heart disease. Nuts are powerful in protecting you from fatal and non-fatal heart attacks at every age and why eating nuts every day adds one point to Your Score.

How many nuts do you eat daily?

Nuts are powerhouse foods grown on trees and bushes and provide quality plant protein, healthy plant fats, fiber and important nutrients our body needs to thrive.

They are loaded with amino acids for muscle protein synthesis and tissue building.

Research shows those eating a handful of nuts 3 to 4 times per week dropped their risk of fatal heart attack by 74%. Nuts are high in the amino acid arginine which produces nitric oxide and relaxes the arterial wall to lower blood pressure for 4 to 6 hours after eating.

Nuts: 1/4 cup nuts or 2 Tablespoons natural nut butter
This includes all varieties of nuts like almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews, pistachios, and even peanuts.

Tip: Add nuts to every meal to get more plant protein on your plate.  You can throw them on your salad or in your smoothie, or just add them to your plate to meet your daily goal for nuts. They will add a plant protein to your meal, shut down hunger, balance blood sugar, relax arterial walls and build muscle.

The proof

Nuts are loaded with plant protein, healthy plant fats, fiber, and important nutrients. Research shows that those who ate nuts 1 to 4 times per week lowered their risk of fatal heart attack by 74%. And those who ate nuts 5 or more times per week there was a lower risk of coronary heart disease even if over the age of 80, for those overweight, and even for those who smoked. Nuts are high in arginine an amino acid key in producing nitric oxide that relaxes the arterial wall and lowers blood pressure in hours of consumption. Nuts also reduce plaque in the arteries to prevent and treat coronary heart disease. Nuts are powerful in protecting you from fatal and non-fatal heart attacks at every age and why eating nuts every day adds one point to Your Score.

A jar with nuts

The proof

Healthy whole plant fats add flavor to our meals and are another key component to shutting off our hunger cues after meals to stop us from snacking all day. These whole plant fats also help balance blood sugar and reduce the “bad” LDL cholesterol reducing our risk of heart disease and diabetes. Essential plant fats like flax seed, chia seeds, and walnuts are rich in omega-3 fats known to decrease inflammation in the body. Flaxseed add bonus health benefits by being high in soluble fiber to reduce cholesterol, support a health gut. Flax also contains lignans shown to prevent cancers such as breast cancer. Add one more point to Your Score eating healthy whole plant fats to your meals.

How many servings of healthy plant fats and omega-3's do you eat daily?

Healthy plant fats from whole foods add flavor to our meals, are loaded with fiber and important nutrients. It turns off hunger and makes us feel full and helps us balance blood sugar with sustained energy between meals.

Essential omega-3 fats are needed daily to decrease inflammation and pain in the body

Healthy Plant Fats - avocado, olives, coconut, seeds, nuts:
2+ serving daily =1/4 cup, or 2 Tablespoons seed butter or 1 Tablespoons cold pressed oils from olives, avocados or walnuts.

Essential omega-3's: 1+ servings daily = 1/4 cup flax seed chia seeds or walnuts, or 1/2 cup cooked soybeans, edamame or tofu, or 3-4 ounces of cold water omega-3 rich fish like salmon, sardines and anchovies.

Nuts double count toward daily servings healthy plant fats and the daily serving of nuts. Soybeans, edamame and tofu double count as daily serving of essential omega-3 fat and count toward the daily servings of beans.

The proof

Healthy whole plant fats add flavor to our meals and are another key component to shutting off our hunger cues after meals to stop us from snacking all day. These whole plant fats also help balance blood sugar and reduce the “bad” LDL cholesterol reducing our risk of heart disease and diabetes. Essential plant fats like flax seed, chia seeds, and walnuts are rich in omega-3 fats known to decrease inflammation in the body. Flaxseed add bonus health benefits by being high in soluble fiber to reduce cholesterol, support a health gut. Flax also contains lignans shown to prevent cancers such as breast cancer. Add one more point to Your Score eating healthy whole plant fats to your meals.

Spoons with flax seed

The proof

Do you crave sugar? Do you feel that mid-meal energy slump after meals and look for a pick-me-up of sugary beverages or snacks? Daily consumption of added sugars and all day snacking of sweet foods and beverages can quickly become a "habit" our body craves to "fix" the mid-meal energy slump 1 to 2 hours after consuming a lot of added sugar and the constant hunger drive. This sugar "habit" can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance, both risk factors for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Start eating meals with whole plant foods that balance your blood sugar and sustain your energy for 4 hours between meals without the need to snack. Add one point to your daily wellness score by limiting your consumption of added sugars.

How much processed sugary beverages and foods do you eat?

Do you crave sugary foods and beverages? The sugar "habit" can become our body's "fix" for mid-meal energy slumps caused from meals too high in sugar. The more processed sugar we consume, the more often we crave them. Right after we drink a sugary beverage, even whole fruits will not seem sweet.

Changing our cravings begins by satisfying our energy needs and balancing blood sugars between meals.

Eating meals high in processed sugars can lead to unwanted weight gain, insulin resistance, heart disease and even cancer. When you start hydrating and eating your daily goals for fruit and making meals that shut down hunger (using The Plate Meal planning tool) your sugar cravings will subside in just 3 to 7 days. This can become an addictive habit that can steal energy and drive cravings for other unhealthy food choices.

This includes sugar-sweetened beverages like soda and juices, candy, cookies, cakes, desserts, and food.
It also includes beverages and foods made processed  sugars or high fructose corn sugar.

The proof

Do you crave sugar? Do you feel that mid-meal energy slump after meals and look for a pick- me-up of sugary beverages or snacks? Daily consumption of added sugars and all day snacking of sweet foods and beverages can quickly become a "habit" our body craves to "fix" the mid-meal energy slump 1 to 2 hours after consuming a lot of added sugar and the constant hunger drive. This sugar "habit" can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance, both risk factors for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Start eating meals with whole plant foods that balance your blood sugar and sustain your energy for 4 hours between meals without the need to snack. Add one point to your daily wellness score by limiting your consumption of added sugars.


The proof

When we think of foods that can cause cancer, think processed meats and even red meats. These foods have been identified as carcinogenic and highly associated with the risk of cancer. Research also shows the association of eating red meat and processed meats just 3 times per week raising the risk of fatal coronary heart disease. Limiting your intake of processed meat and red meat adds one very valuable point to Your Wellness Score.

How much red meat and processed meat do you eat?

Processed meats are cured to preserve or enhance flavor ie. bacon, ham, sausage, hot dogs, salami, pastrami, pepperoni, deli meats.

Red meats are beef, lamb, pork, veal, venison, goat.

Here's why processed meats, red meats and charred or grilled meats are recommended to be limited in your intake. They are identified as carcinogenic by World Health Organization.

There is an abundance of research showing the association of eating red meat and processed meats just 3 times per week raising your risk of fatal coronary heart disease and increasing your risk for cancer. This is why I recommend limiting your daily intake of these foods.

These foods count as your comfort favorite foods on the plate and you can enjoy them as you choose.

Higher wellness lifestyle scores are earned with lower intakes of these foods.

The proof

When we think of foods that can cause cancer, think processed meats and even red meats. These foods have been identified as carcinogenic and highly associated with the risk of cancer. Research also shows the association of eating red meat and processed meats just 3 times per week raising the risk of fatal coronary heart disease. Limiting your intake of processed meat and red meat adds one very valuable point to Your Wellness sScore.

American breakfast

The proof

Don’t let your thirst fool you. By the time you feel thirst you may already be under-hydrated. Water is the real energy drink boosting your energy by 20% and beating out caffeine as an energy drink. Start your day hydrated with 2 glasses of water and drink 2 glasses between each meal to knock out your daily 8. Drinking water a key part of The Score and your Daily Wellness Routine. Add one more point to your score getting your daily water intake and feel the energy!

How much water do you drink daily?

Hydration is the spring of life. Nourish your body with plenty of H2O to feel your best and boost your energy.

Your water needs vary based on your body weight, muscle mass, activity level, age, climate.

Curious how much water your body needs daily?
The simple rule of thumb for water intake is take half your body weight in pounds, and drink that amount of water in ounces.
Example: If your body weight is 160 pounds, divide it by 2 and get 80. Your estimated water needs is 80 ounces of daily to meet goals. There are 8 ounces in a cup of water so this would equal 10 cups of water daily. Don't forget this is an estimate and there are other contributing factors like climate, outdoor temperature, activity levels and medical status like fevers that can increase your water needs even further.

You can hydrate with any non-sweetened beverages that do not contain caffeine, such as flavor infused waters from herbs, herbal teas, and flavored waters.

Track your daily water intake and make hydration a top priority in your self-care wellness lifestyle.

Track your daily water intake and make hydration a top prioritiy in your self-care wellness lifestyle.

The proof

Don’t let your thirst fool you. By the time you feel thirst you may already be under-hydrated. Water is the real energy drink boosting your energy by 20% and beating out caffeine as an energy drink. Start your day hydrated with 2 glasses of water and drink 2 glasses between each meal to knock out your daily 8. Drinking water a key part of The Score and your Daily Wellness Routine. Add one more point to your score getting your daily water intake and feel the energy!

A hand holding bottle of water

The proof

The Score is about what to do MORE with a few exceptions like alcohol. The science on alcohol can confuse us. What we know now there is strong evidence that alcohol raises the risk for cancers such as breast cancer, liver, stomach, and bowel cancers. Yet the cancer risk is dose dependent with an occasional glass of wine with dinner not have the same negative affect as binge drinking with several drinks of alcohol at one sitting. On the other hand, there is evidence showing the benefits of drinking 1 to 2 glasses of red wine a day being linked to decreased risk of heart disease and stroke and lower all cause mortality. When we look at the healthiest wellness routine for alcohol, one point is added to Your Score for avoiding or limiting alcohol intake to 1 drink per day AND 5 drinks per week max.

How much alcohol do you drink each day and each week?

Alcoholic beverages seem to be the very core of the culture. We drink to celebrate, we drink when we are sad and we drink to simply let down at the end of the day.

Research has been so inconsistent over the years on whether we should drink red wine to prevent heart disease or if the risks from the alcohol outweigh any benefits.
What we know now from research and National guidelines, is if you don't drink don't start because of a health benefit. If you choose to drink, the recommendation is to limit your weekly total servings of alcohol to 5 or less and a maximum servings of 1 or less daily, to get the lowest risk and greatest health impact.

One alcoholic drink is equal to 5 oz of wine, 12 oz of beer, or 1.5 oz of liquor.

My recommendation is if you love the flavor and enjoyment of alcohol, follow the National Guidelines. My goal for you is when we practice the healthy habits in our new wellness lifestyle, we will have other methods in our daily routine to help us cope with daily stressors and a daily plan with mindful breaks, social connections, spirituality and playdates to not need alcohol to cope with life or to relax at the end of a hard day.

The proof

The Score is about what to do MORE with a few exceptions like alcohol. The science on alcohol can confuse us. What we know now there is strong evidence that alcohol raises the risk for cancers such as breast cancer, liver, stomach, and bowel cancers. Yet the cancer risk is dose dependent with an occasional glass of wine with dinner not have the same negative affect as binge drinking with several drinks of alcohol at one sitting. On the other hand, there is evidence showing the benefits of drinking 1 to 2 glasses of red wine a day being linked to decreased risk of heart disease and stroke and lower all cause mortality. When we look at the healthiest wellness routine for alcohol, one point is added to Your Score for avoiding or limiting alcohol intake to 1 drink per day AND 5 drinks per week max.


The proof

Exercise is medicine. Researchers find daily exercise works as well as most medicine for the treatment of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and the prevention of diabetes. Just a 10-minute after meal walk that I call a 10-minute oxygen cocktail can improve your blood sugar and has countless health benefits. Some say sitting is the new smoking. Start moving at least 30 minutes a day and add one more point to Your Score.

How often do you move your body and how long?

Moving your body helps to boost your energy and mood, improve your digestion, improve your cognitive function, lowers high blood sugars, improves insulin sensitivity, builds muscle, and so much more.

Aim to exercise most days of the week for 30 to 60 minutes per session. Vary your exercise so you get a good mix of cardio and strength exercises over the course of the week. Add strength training exercise 2+ times per week.

Walk, run, dance, cycle, swim, lift weights, do yoga or pilates, stretch, play... have fun with it.  Move your way everyday. Record what you do and how long you do it. Track your exercise score to gauge your progress.

You can get fit walking everyday for 30 to 90 minutes. You can change pace, terrain and elevation of your walk to increase the intensity of the exercise. Research shows that just a 10 minutes walk after a meal can improve your insulin sensitivity and lower your blood sugar and help fuel your cells efficiently for more energy.

As you advance in your cardiofitness, you can add higher intensity workouts like HIIT training to further enhance your cardiofitness and your health.

The proof

Exercise is medicine. Researchers find daily exercise works as well as most medicine for the treatment of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and the prevention of diabetes. Just a 10-minute after meal walk that I call a 10-minute oxygen cocktail can improve your blood sugar and has countless health benefits. Some say sitting is the new smoking. Start moving at least 30 minutes a day and add one more point to Your Score.

A group working out in the pool

Do you breathe fresh air every day and night?

The proof

Breathing fresh air 24/7 is important for our overall health. When we avoid smoking or vaping and second hand smoke, we are breathing fresh air and supporting our best health. When we ventilate our homes with an open window in the day and when we sleep, we are breathing fresh air and improving our overall health. Start breathing fresh air all day and night and add one point to Your Score and feel better.

This includes breathing fresh air 24 hours a day and avoiding smoking and vaping.

Remember to keep your home and sleeping areas with fresh air. Open windows daily as much as possible to keep your home environment air fresh.

Daily walks outside taking in deep breaths every day can improve our overall health and wellness.

The proof

Breathing fresh air 24/7 is important for our overall health. When we avoid smoking or vaping and second hand smoke, we are breathing fresh air and supporting our best health. When we ventilate our homes with an open window in the day and when we sleep, we are breathing fresh air and improving our overall health. Start breathing fresh air all day and night and add one point to Your Score and feel better.

A group of friends in the forest

The proof

Early morning sunlight synchronizes your body clock and makes your body ready for bed at night. Early morning sun also regulates hormones and increases melatonin levels. Add another point to Your Score by getting 10 minutes of early morning sunlight directly on your skin and face most days to synchronize your body clock, sleep better that night, and improve your mood and overall health.

How much early to mid-morning sunlight do you get daily?
The goal is to get you daily dose of early to mid-morning sunlight to synchronize your body's clock and improve your health. To avoid burning the skin, add sun protective clothing, hats, glasses and apply a daily mineral based broad spectrum sunscreen to face and exposed areas of skin after meeting your daily sunlight goal.

The proof

Early morning sunlight synchronizes your body clock and makes your body ready for bed at night. Early morning sun also regulates hormones and increases melatonin levels. Add another point to Your Score by getting 10 minutes of early morning sunlight directly on your skin and face most days to synchronize your body clock, sleep better that night, and improve your mood and overall health.

A mother and her daughter out walking

The proof

Ready for better sleep? Reduce your screen time and dim the lights in the evening. Reducing the caffeine intake during the day and decreasing stress will help! Don’t forget just 10 minutes of early morning sunlight will help you sleep better that night. Getting enough sleep improves our mood and overall health and well-being and adds another point to Your Score.

How many hours do you sleep daily?

Good quality sleep is critical to your overall well-being.
Try to get 7.5 to 8 hours per night with a consistent bedtime, without the need for sleep meds.

Check how many hours of sleep you got last night.

Do you wake up feeling rested and revived?

A Few Sleep Tips to help you get better Zzzz's.
-Keep your days lighter and your nights darker!
-Avoid caffeinated beverages 4 to 6 hrs before bed.
-Get early morning sunlight to boost melatonin.
-Have a consistent bedtime.

The proof

Ready for better sleep? Reduce your screen time and dim the lights in the evening. Reducing the caffeine intake during the day and decreasing stress will help! Don’t forget just 10 minutes of early morning sunlight will help you sleep better that night. Getting enough sleep improves our mood and overall health and well-being and adds another point to Your Score.


The proof

There is still time! Take time everyday to enjoy activities that help you stress less and prevent burnout. Listen to inspiring music, read a favorite book, enjoy time with a pet, pursue a passion or hobby, or spend time in nature. These fun and relaxing activities are unique to each person and when practiced daily help to improve mood and overall well-being. Add one point to Your Score and let the fun begin.

How often do you engage in activities that bring you joy?
Part of renewing our body is to have fun! Allow yourself to have regular, unstructured free-time to follow your whimsy. Find what brings you joy.
Enjoy a hobby, travel, connect with a friend, be creative, soak in great art, head to the beach or take a hike, and simply recharge.

Just because your grown up doesn't mean you don't need playdates. If you crave a well-lived and impactful life, make fun a non-negotiable part of your weekly schedule and wellness lifestyle.
Aim for at least 2+ playdates per week and record your joyous event.

The proof

There is still time! Take time everyday to enjoy activities that help you stress less and prevent burnout. Listen to inspiring music, read a favorite book, enjoy time with a pet, pursue a passion or hobby, or spend time in nature. These fun and relaxing activities are unique to each person and when practiced daily help to improve mood and overall well-being. Add one point to Your Score and let the fun begin.

Dr. Cheryl holding a bowl of fresh tomatoes

The proof

Connecting to others is a proven way to improve mood, decrease depression, and bring healing and happiness. Add one more point to Your Score and connect with someone today.

Do you connect with someone you love in a meaningful way daily?

If you crave a well-lived and impactful life with purpose, it's important to create a structured time in our day and our week to connect with those we love in a meaningful way.

Loneliness is a health risk. Spending time on a regular basis with our spouse, significant other, children, grandchildren, and close friends brings us happiness and adds more healthy years to our life.

Creating and enjoying healthy relationships with those we love is part of living our best life. It helps us cope with the stresses that come along and feel supported and loved.

The proof

Connecting to others is a proven way to improve mood, decrease depression, and bring healing and happiness. Add one more point to Your Score and connect with someone today.

A group of friends outdoors

The proof

This is about moving beyond a diet and making it a lifestyle. This is about shifting our mindset on food, nutrition, and dieting while making wellness a priority and living in balance today! (Psst. You can check YES on this one because you are taking this score right now!) Add one point to your wellness score by shifting mindset and replacing quick fix unhealthy addictions and habits with healthy choices that promote health and happiness.

Do you take mindful breaks every day to reduce stress and focus on a positive mindset?

Taking a few 5 to 10 minute breaks throughout the day will reduce stress and increase joy.
Step away from your computer or work, take several slow deep breathes and stretch. And better yet if you have time, move your body with a short 10 minute walk to clear your brain fog and boost your energy.

Create this micro-habit as a daily pattern.
Set a timer on your phone to remind yourself to pause several times throughout your day.

Focus on shifting your mindset...
Shift negative thoughts to positive ones;
Express gratitude to others;
Replace addictive habits with positive healthy ones.

The proof

This is about moving beyond a diet and making it a lifestyle. This is about shifting our mindset on food, nutrition, and dieting while making wellness a priority and living in balance today! (Psst. You can check YES on this one because you are taking this score right now!) Add one point to your wellness score by shifting mindset and replacing quick fix unhealthy addictions and habits with healthy choices that promote health and happiness.

A woman outside holding a book

The proof

Science shows that when we connect to our belief system we heal faster and live longer. Add one point to Your Score by connecting to your belief system everyday to align your life with your purpose, get inspired, feel more hope, and live younger longer.

Do you connect with your spirituality daily?

Spirituality is the core of whole person health. It's the foundation of what makes you whole and gives you purpose. This is how you build resilience, heal the wounds that have caused you pain, find forgiveness, shift your mindset so you can move beyond your trauma and wounds and change how these will impact your future life. This is how you find your purpose and live your most impactful life filled with love and purpose.

Schedule structured time in your day to spend time connecting to your higher power or belief system, meditating, prayer, engaging in a spiritual practice, reading an inspiring book, listening to inspiring music etc. You know what works best for you.

Taking time to explore your spirituality and put your beliefs into actions is a powerful way to find your greatest happiness and improve your overall health and wellness.

The proof

Science shows that when we connect to our belief system we heal faster and live longer. Add one point to Your Score by connecting to your belief system everyday to align your life with your purpose, get inspired, feel more hope, and live younger longer.

  Click HERE to get your SCORE results
A group of friends sitting outside in a park
My score results
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