Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.

Welcome Wellness Friend! I am so excited to see you here today!

Here is where the magic happen on the inside of my DCW wellness membership!
My goal is for you to feel like my client in the TakeTEN 10-day wellness retreat, but all from the comfort of your home at your own pace.
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Welcome to wellness, Dr. Cheryl

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The Dr. Cheryl Meal Planning tools
Make Healthy Eating A Lifestyle, Not a Diet.

Print out the plate:

Download this resource

An Easy Meal Planning 5-part blueprint To help you create meals That are tailored for your diet preferences, tastes, lifestyle & Wellness Goals

These MEals are made up of food Combos that crush hunger, balance blood sugar, regain your energy,
Meet your daily energy, fiber, antioxidants, protein and essential fat goals,
and Boost Your Natural health defense to combat disease and add more healthy years to your life.

The Dr. Cheryl Plate - A meal planning tool

I created this meal planning tool as a blueprint to help you build better breakfasts, lunches dinners. It's can be tailored to your diet preferences, tastes, lifestyle & wellness goals.

The Diet & Wellness Score identifies the 10 foods and beverages for your daily dose of food as medicine to help you regain energy, combat disease, and healthy years to your life.

The Dr Cheryl Plate is a 5-part blueprint that goes hand in hand with my Wellness 20-point Wellness Score. I designed The Plate with my food combo so that each meal leaves you feeling full and satisfied, crushes hunger & curbs cravings, balances blood sugar after meals, sustains energy, meets your protein needs and essential fats.
You will see the foods and beverages limited on the Wellness Score will be in the Favorite Comfort Food section of the plate -- foods added for your flavor and enjoyment rather than their health benefit.  This makes up the 20% of the plate - where you choose the foods based on your preferences, tastes, lifestyle and wellness goals. This makes the plate an 80%+ whole plant forward plate with up to 20% foods you choose to include your favorite protein foods and comfort foods

You choose your meals.
You don't have to choose a dietary tribe or a start a diet, you simply start making meals that work for you for that day or that meal with using the blueprint of The Plate that adds more of the foods that heal with 80%+ foods whole plant foods - and this we call the 80:20 or 90:10 Plate. This is a plate the works for your preferences, lifestyle tastes and goals. Try it and I promise you will see the results thousands of others have in just 10 days, and 10 weeks and 10 years.

Remember to make healthy eating a lifestyle and not another diet. I hope you love this plate blueprint to make healing meals your way.
Dr. Cheryl

P.S. The Dr. Cheryl "Full"Plate is your main meal planning 5-part blueprint. I have also created two other meal planning tools for meals you want some lighter meals, when you crave a blended meal or a work-out snack. Check out "The Small Plate" and "The Smoothie Meal".

Build Your Plate: 5-Step Blueprint
Create easy meals you love from food combos that heal.

2 cups fruits & vegetables

1 cup whole carb grains
1 cup starchy vegetables

2+ servings protein
1 serving plant protein =
1/2 cup beans OR
1/4 cup nuts

1 serving second protein
you choose
(see protein section below)

1/4 cup healthy plant fat

Optional: favorite food

Step 1

Fruits & vegetables

Choose 2 cups (or 1 cup blended)



Fresh OR Frozen

Watermelon, dates, melon, grapes, dark cherries, tropical fruits, pineapple, dried fruits, orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, apple, pear, peach, plum, mango, figs, red cherries, banana


Blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, pomegranate, persimmon, kiwi, grapes, currants


Beets, carrots, asparagus, zucchini, tomato, eggplant, pepper, green beans, artichoke, onions, chives, garlic


Spinach, swiss chard, dark leafy lettuce, herbs (cilantro, basil, thyme, parsley)


Arugula, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, radish, turnip, rutabaga, bok choy, mustard greens

Step 2

Whole carb grains

Choose 1 cup whole grains, 1 cup starchy vegetables, 1 cup whole grain pasta or 2 slices whole grain bread



Whole carb grains
& starchy vegetables

Corn, brown rice, pasta, whole grain bread, pumpkin, sweet potato, yam, new potato, russet potato

Soluble fiber

Barley, oat groats, steel cut oats, rolled oats

Gluten free

Quinoa, millet, amaranth seed, buckwheat, teff, wild rice, oats, corn

High protein
carb grains

Farro, quinoa, amaranth, millet, teff, whole wheat, bulgar wheat, buckwheat, wild rice

Step 3


Choose 2+ servings of protein at each meal.

Choose 1 plant protein serving at every meal = 1/2 cup beans OR 1/4 cup nuts

Include a second protein serving and YOUR CHOICE =
1 serving plant protein OR,
1 serving milk, dairy products OR,
1 serving eggs OR,
1 serving fish OR,
1 serving chicken & poultry

See section to the right under nuts example.

Protein category

examples - Portion Sizes Per serving


1/2 cup beans, lentils, split peas, soybeans, edamame, tofu, 1 cup plant milk or yogurt (example: soy milk)


1/4 cup nuts, 1/8 cup nut butter, 1 cup plant nut milk or yogurt (example: almond milk)

Choose a second protein serving from your choice of protein foods for that meal based on your preferences, lifestyle and wellness goals.

The 80:20 or 90:10 concept lets you create meals that are whole plant-forward with every meal built on one plant protein and you choose or second + protein based on your choices.

Second + protein serving options to choose from: (Some will need 3 protein per meal to stay full and meet their protein needs)Choose
1+ servings plant protein for a
Whole Plant Protein Meal

1+ servings low-fat dairy products like 8 ounces of milk, yogurt or cottage cheese for a
Lacto-Vegetarian Meal

1+ servings eggs for an
Ovo-Vegetarian Meal

1+ servings fish (4 ounces per serving) for a
Pesco Vegetarian Meal

1+ servings of chicken & poultry (3 - 4 ounces per serving) for an
Omnivore Plant Forward Meal.

NOTE: I recommend limiting red meat and ultra-processed meats like bacon, sausage, pastrami, & deli meats and charred meats because they have been identified as carcinogenic foods by the World Health Organization. If you choose a red meat or ultra-processed meat for you meal, it will count as a favorite comfort food in Step 5 learn more about this. These are the foods on the limited list on the Wellness Score - they count as Favorite Comfort Food.

Step 4

Healthy plant fat

Choose 1/4 cup or 1/8 cup



fat fruits

1/4 cup avocado, olives, coconut


1/8 cup pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds


1/4 cup nuts, 1/8 cup nut butter, 1 cup plant nut milk or yogurt

Essential omega-3
Plant fats

1/8 cup flax seeds, 1/8 cup chia seeds, 1/4 cup walnuts, 1/2 cup edamame/soy/tofu

Step 5

Favorite foods
(foods on the limited list on the Wellness Score)

Favorite foods are your comfort foods that may be ultra-processed refined foods & beverages that made it on the limited list on The Wellness Score such as:

Sugary foods and beverages, desserts, pies, cakes, pastry

Refined grains like white rice or sour dough bread from refined flour

Saturated fats like butter, cream, ice cream, coffee creamers, sour cream, cream-based salad dressings and transfats or hydrogenated plant fats like margarine.

Red meats (beef, lamb pork)

Ultra-processed meats - like bacon, hot dogs, pastrami and deli meats and charred meats)

Alcoholic beverages add calories to your meal. Alcohol is metabolized more like a drug and has the calories closer to eating fat, and some alcoholic beverages contain higher amounts of refined sugars.

Foods you choose for flavor and enjoyment and not for their health benefits.


examples of Favorite Foods and foods on the limited list on THe Wellness Score.

Comfort foods

Favorite foods are your comfort foods that are on the limited list on The Wellness Score such as:

Sugary foods and beverages like sugar sweetened beverages and desserts, cookies, cakes, pies and pastries.

Refined processed carbs / grains like white rice or sour dough bread made with refined grains that do not count in the whole carb grain section 2 on the plate.

Saturated animal fats like butter, cream, ice cream, and sour cream, cream based salad dressings, animal based gravy, transfats from plant fats like hydrogenated margarine or foods with hydrogenated fats we want to limit how often we consume these foods.

Also red meats (beef, lamb pork) and ultra-processed meats - (like bacon, hot dogs, pastrami, deli meats and charred meats) because these are foods hit the limited list on The Wellness Score because they are considered a carcinogenic food by the World Health Organization. If you choose to include them in your meal, they count as a favorite food or comfort food on the plate and make up your 20% on the plate.

Alcohol is on the Comfort food and beverage list because it adds calories and alcohol (ethanol) to your meal. Depending on your choice of alcoholic beverage, it may contain higher sugar content than others. And alcohol (ethanol) is metabolized like a drug in the body and it contains 7 calories per gram which is close to the energy of eating fat. I recommend if you don't drink don't start and if you choose to drink limit your weekly intake to 5 servings and a maximum of <1 serving daily. Alcohol is limited on the Wellness Score and contains calories and alcohol and that lands it on the comfort food portion of the plate.

The foundation of the whole food plant forward flexible 80:20 plate is made up of steps 1, 2, 3, & 4.  Step 3 protein - you choose your second + protein.  Step 5 you choose your favorite comfort foods. This is how you make the 20% of the plate based on your preferences, tastes, lifestyle and wellness goals.

Remember this is a lifestyle and not a diet. I want you to enjoy your meals and remove the guilt and not feel restricted.  This is how we do just that with our plate.  The goal is to create a meals with 80%+ whole unprocessed plant foods with the power to turn on your body's natural health defense and add more healthy years to your life. And the Plate meal planning tool is designed with a food combo to help you shut down hunger, balance blood sugar, get your protein and fiber goals and improve your health.

The goal is to stay full and get the energy needs met and eating more fruits and vegetables, high fiber, with two plus servings or 20 to 30 grams of protein on each plate and healthy plant fats is the goal for a full plate meal.