Here is where the magic happen on the inside of my DCW wellness membership!
My goal is for you to feel like my client in the TakeTEN 10-day wellness retreat, but all from the comfort of your home at your own pace.
Explore each tab at the top of your membership home page to find the tools & resources.
Please feel free reach out to me in the forum to "ask me a question" or email me directly at Join me for the next live session to ask your question "live" and if you miss the live events, I will email members the recorded session for you to view at your convenience.
Welcome to wellness, Dr. Cheryl
Fight Cancer and Beat Disease... One delicious sip at a time! Fuel your body for the day with this nutrient-packed, turbo-charged power smoothie that’s packed with 10+ whole food ingredients. It crushes hunger, sustains blood sugar, and boosts energy and adds SIX points to your Daily Wellness Score!
This turbo-charged superfood tonic is made from 100% raw whole-plant foods taken directly from the source, Mother Nature herself. This smoothie doesn’t need any synthetic blends of chalky powder to up the nutritional value. It’s packed with everything you need to thrive and heal.
This Wellness Daily Super Smoothie makes a perfect meal, adding SIX points on your Wellness Score with just one glass. This smoothie is a natural way to crush hunger and stay full for 4 hours between meals. Because of all the nutrients, you get sustained energy and balanced blood sugar with a nitric oxide boost that improves circulation, lowers blood pressure, and improves brain fog and memory.
This is also the perfect post-workout recovery tonic to improve sore muscles quickly. It is perfect for improving gut health and reducing inflammation. Plus, you get a chemoprotective effect, meaning this smoothie contains foods shown to fight harmful cells and even kill cancer cells. Get a big tumbler ready!
As always, don’t forget to track Your Score after finishing this delicious smoothie! You’re adding years to your life with every sip.
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Amount per serving