FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
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The Proof

Eat to Beat Cancer: Nourish Your Body’s Natural Defense to Fight Cancer

The Proof

Dr. Cheryl discusses the power of food in treating and preventing cancer. Discover How to Harness the Power of food to combat cancer and Turn Your Meals into Powerful Weapons Against Cancer"

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In this episode, Dr. Cheryl discusses the power of food in treating and preventing cancer. She shares her personal connection to cancer and the importance of trusted information in the wellness community. 

Dr. Cheryl explores the statistics and global impact of cancer, emphasizing the need for proactive action for everyone. She challenges the traditional approach to cancer treatment and highlights the work of Dr. William Lee in using food as medicine. The role of angiogenesis in cancer growth is explained, along with the body's natural health defenses.

 Dr. Cheryl discusses the importance of diet in controlling angiogenesis and highlights anti-cancer foods to incorporate in one's diet, such as flaxseed and cruciferous vegetables. In this conversation, 

Dr. Cheryl discusses the power of specific foods in preventing cancer and creating an anti-cancer wellness routine. She highlights the cancer-fighting benefits of flaxseed, cruciferous vegetables, phytoestrogens (soy), lycopenes, turmeric, garlic, fiber, tree nuts, coffee, green tea, black tea, dark chocolate, and blueberries, and other cancer-fighting foods. Dr. Cheryl also explores the healthiest diets for cancer prevention, including the Mediterranean diet and whole food plant-based diets. She emphasizes the foods and beverages found to increase risk of cancer like processed meats, red meats, alcohol, high fructose corn syrup, refined sugars, high salt intake, and glyphosate.  

Dr. Cheryl provides practical tips for creating a meal plan that includes a full plate of cancer fighting foods to turn on our bodies natural health defense at full throttle to help the body heal itself and beat cancer.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Food can play a crucial role in preventing and treating cancer, and protecting from reoccurrence.
  • The greatest challenge with fighting cancer is angiogenesis.   The key to fighting cancer is to find treatments and foods that are anti-angiogenic, to block the formation of new blood vessels to fuel tumors and preventing cancer growth or what can be called starve cancer to prevent it’s growth.  Another words, we can die with our tumors and not from them.
  • The body's loaded with 5 major natural health defenses that have the power to help the body heal.  These 5 health defenses include angiogenesis, stem cells, and DNA protection, microbiome, and immunity and can each be activated and supported through diet and lifestyle.
  • Incorporating anti-cancer foods like flaxseed, cruciferous vegetables, and tomatoes can help starve cancer cells, kill cancer stem cells, and fuel and mobilize healthy stem cells to regenerate, and improve overall health. Flaxseed is a powerful cancer-fighting food that protects against cancer, reduces tumor growth, and helps build a healthy gut flora.
  • Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and kale, are packed with cancer-fighting properties and should be included in the diet every day and add one point to the Wellness Score. 
  • Phytoestrogens, found in soy products, can prevent breast cancer and improve survival rates.
  • Turmeric and garlic have shown promise in blocking cancer cell proliferation and protecting healthy cells.
  • Does red wine protect against cancer or cause cancer? The debate…  Resveratrol is the bioactive that fights cancer and is found in grape juice, red wine, peanuts, pistachios, blueberries, raspberries, and mulberries.
  • A diet rich in fiber, whole plant foods, and low in processed meats, alcohol, high fructose corn syrup, refined sugars, high salt intake, and glyphosate can help prevent cancer.
  • Everyone is beating cancer every day and the only way to win the battle is to have all the natural health defense system turned on at full throttle by what we eat and our lifestyle behaviors. 

Chapter Time Stamps: 

00:00 Introduction, Appreciation and Subscribe to The Wellness Table Podcast

03:09 Personal Connection to Cancer

04:04 The Power of Food in Treating Disease

05:02 Understanding Cancer Statistics

07:41 The Role of Diet and Lifestyle in Cancer Prevention

09:08 Challenges in Using Food as Medicine

10:03 The Work of Dr. William Lee

12:23 The Role of Angiogenesis in Cancer

14:19 The Body's Natural Health Defenses

15:17 The Importance of Diet in Controlling Angiogenesis

18:37 Identifying Carcinogenic Elements in Food

19:33 Decreasing Cancer Risk and Boosting Health Defenses

21:02 The Power of Stem Cells in Regeneration

22:23 Protecting DNA and Telomeres

23:13 Building a Healthy Gut and Boosting Immunity

23:43 Anti-Cancer Foods to Incorporate in Your Diet

25:07 Controlling Angiogenesis to Prevent Cancer

26:07 The Power of Lignans in Reducing Tumor Growth

27:06 The Power of Flaxseed

28:03 Starting Slow with Flaxseed

28:55 Cruciferous Vegetables for Cancer Prevention (broccoli & cabbage family)

30:21 The Benefits of Phytoestrogens (non-GMO, organic soy)

31:19 The Cancer-Fighting Properties of Lycopene (tomatoes and red vegetables)

31:49 The Power of Turmeric and Garlic

32:41 The Importance of Fiber for Gut Health

33:39 The Role of TMAO in Red Meat Consumption

34:05 The Anti-Angiogenic Properties of Tree nuts

35:03 The Antioxidant Power of Blueberries

35:30 Choose at least one Cancer-Fighting Food for Every Meal

36:23 The Healthiest Diets for Cancer Prevention 

38:38 Foods to Avoid for Cancer Risk

40:32 The Impact of Alcohol Consumption and the debate of Red Wine

43:47 The Dangers of Hyperglycemia (high blood sugars) and Refined Sugars

47:07 The Concerns with High Salt Intake

47:55 The Carcinogenic Concerns with Glyphosate

48:24 Creating an Anti-Cancer Wellness Routine and Meal Plan

52:00 Get your FREE Wellness Score to get started on your wellness journey 


Recipes mentioned in the podcast episode: 

Start your wellness journey by getting your Wellness Score and creating a wellness routine that helps you live well and beat disease.  Add at least one cancer beating food to each meal.  The Meal Planning Plate is a tool to help you create meals that beat cancer and balance your blood sugar and curb your cravings.   

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