FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
FREE Wellness Score.   Discover the Wellness Formula of 10 foods and 10 habits to score up your wellness routine and feel amazing.
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The Proof

Nourishing Hope: Can Your Diet Be Your Shield to Fight Cancer?

The Proof

Uncover the secrets to starve cancer and beat it with food, as Dr. Cheryl Bothwell guides you through the power of the plate and the bioactives in food that can target cancer with the power of medicine!

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In this episode, Dr. Cheryl Bothwell discusses the power of food and lifestyle in beating cancer and other diseases. She emphasizes the importance of prioritizing health and shares personal stories of individuals facing cancer. Dr. Cheryl explains the concept of angiogenesis and how it plays a role in disease development. She highlights the need to maintain a balance in the angiogenesis system and discusses the diseases that can result from excessive or insufficient angiogenesis. Dr. Cheryl also explores the role of anti-angiogenic foods in fighting cancer and improving circulation. The conversation discusses the importance of angiogenesis in maintaining healthy tissue and how it can be compromised as we age. It explores the diseases and conditions that require angiogenesis stimulation, such as diabetes, neuropathy, ischemic heart disease, stroke, and more. The conversation then delves into the dietary approach to promoting angiogenesis, highlighting specific foods and bioactives that stimulate angiogenesis, such as beta-D-glucon in barley, lignans in flaxseed, ursolic acid in ginseng and apple peel, and quercetin in onions and cranberries. The importance of creating a wellness routine and making healthy habits stick is emphasized, along with the need to prioritize our health and not wait for a scary diagnosis to take action.


00:00 Introduction and Welcoming New Listeners

01:28 The Personal Side of the Cancer Journey

08:15 The Impact of Excessive and Insufficient Angiogenesis

11:52 The role of anti-angiogenesis in Starving Cancer with Anti-Angiogenic Foods

26:58 Maintaining a Balanced Angiogenesis System

29:17 The Foods that have a dual ability to be anti-angiogenic and stimulate angiogenesis as needed

35:16 The Role of Angiogenesis in Healthy Aging

36:37 Diseases and Conditions Requiring Angiogenesis Stimulation

38:35 Dietary Approach to Promoting Angiogenesis

42:19 Specific Foods and Bioactives that Stimulate Angiogenesis

49:29 Creating a Wellness Routine and Making Healthy Habits Stick

56:59 Prioritizing Health and Taking Action


Almonds, anchovies, APPLES (red delicious, granny smith, reinstate), apricots, big eye tuna,  black beans, black raspberries, black tea, blackberries, BLUEBERRIES, bok choy, broccoli, cashew, cauliflower, chamomile tea, CHERRIES, cherry tomatoes, chestnuts, cinnamon, CRANBERRIES, cruciferous vegetables, dark chocolate, gouda cheese, green tea, jasmine tea, kale, licorice root, macadamia nuts, mango, muenster cheese, navy beans, nectarines, olive oil (EVOO), Oolong tea, oregano, peaches, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, plums, pomegranates, raspberries, red wine (small amounts due to the resveratrol), grape juice, red black skin tomatoes, rosemary, salmon, san marzano tomatoes, sardines, SOY, strawberries, stone fruits, tangerine, tomatoes, tuna, turmeric, tree nuts like walnuts, pecans, almonds, cashews, pistachios ,pine nuts and beans.   

Highlighted foods double with bioactives that target both anti-angiogenesis to starve cancer and bioactives to stimulate angiogenesis just where it is needed in oxygen deprived areas.  Apples, Blueberries, cherries, cranberries hit the top of the list here.


•Beta-D-glucan is a bioactive found in barley.  Barley is an ancient grain high in dietary fiber and has been shown to lower blood cholesterol. The bioactive in barley is beta-D-glucan, which activates angiogenesis and grows new blood vessels in oxygen-starved organs. Scientists have observed that barley beta-D-glucan can double the survival after a  heart attack by increase angiogenesis to oxygen starved organs.  The new blood supply protected the heart and decreased the amount of damage caused by the heart attack.

Lignans an bioactive found in seeds like flaxseed, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds contain lignans that stimulate angiogenesis in the heart after a heart attack. These seeds are also high in dietary fiber, which can lower cholesterol as well as feed the gut microbiome.   This adds other layers of benefit that can protect your heart and your health.  Flaxseed has 800 times the bioactive lignans of other foods.

•Ursolic Acid is a bioactive found in ginseng, rosemary, peppermint, and apple peel, and a number of dried fruits such as sultana raisins,  cherries, cranberries, and blueberries contain higher levels of ursolic acid, because they are dried with the fruit skin or peel intact.  Ursolic acid stimulates beneficial angiogenesis and can inhibit harmful angiogenesis that feeds cancers. Remarkably, this also inhibits harmful angiogenesis that feeds cancers.  This bioactive is one of the unique factors that can work on both sides of angiogenesis equation at once, helping to ensure balance of this health defense system. 

•Quercetin is a bioactive found in foods like onions, red leaf lettuce, hot green chile peppers, cranberries, black plums, capers, and apples.  This bioactive quercetin can stimulate angiogenesis in oxygen-deprived tissues while inhibiting tumor angiogenesis. It doubles as a stimulate of angiogenesis in the face of oxygen deprivation of tissues, yet it does not provoke growth of cancers.   In fact, quercetin inhibitor inflammation and tumor angiogenesis in animals with lymphoma and breast cancer, thus working both sides of the angiogenesis equation.  this double-barreled approach can defend against cancer (a disease of excessive-angiogenesis) and defend against heart disease (a disease of insufficient angiogenesis).    

WHOLE PLANT FOODS with bioactives:

•Apple peel, apples, barley, black plums, blueberries (dried), capers, cherries (dried), chia seeds, chile peppers, cranberries, flaxseed (lignins), ginseng, onions, peppermint, pumpkin seeds, red-leaf lettuce, rosemary, sesame seeds, sultana raisins, sunflower seeds.

NOTE: Highlighted and bolded foods on these lists indicate foods that with double power as both Angiogenesis Stimulants and Anti-angiogenenic

Resources Mentioned:

If you are a health-minded person who just wants to optimize their defenses, you can keep a supply of these fresh angiogenesis-influencing foods at home. You can look for them in the market and on the menu when ordering at a restaurant. And, importantly, if you are in the midst of battling an angiogenesis-dependent disease, know that your diet is one health intervention that you can prescribe yourself!

You can start prioritizing your health today by getting your Wellness Score and creating a wellness routine that helps you live well and beat disease and best of all make your new healthy habits stick.  Add at least one angiogenic-influencing foods to every plate and start beating cancer today.

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