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The Proof

#29 Skin Cancer Defense: From the Inside Out

The Proof

Combining Sunscreen, Nutrition, and Healthy Habits For Best Results

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Are you ready to unlock the secrets to protecting your skin from all skin cancers from the inside out?  In this must-watch episode of The Wellness Table, Dr. Cheryl reveals how you can protect your skin from cancer and not compromise getting your daily dose of sunlight and getting your daily vitamin D dose for vibrant health!  From choosing the right sunscreen that is safe and effective, to incorporating powerful, antioxidant-rich foods into your diet, and adopting healthy lifestyle habits, you'll learn comprehensive strategies to shield your skin and boost your overall health.  You will learn about sunlight deficiency and its impact on the vitamin D deficiency global pandemic. Could the cautions of over exposure override the benefits of the sunlight on your health?  Whether you're a sun lover or cautious about UV rays, this video is packed with essential tips you won't want to miss!

The role of antioxidant-rich foods, such as tomatoes, in providing internal sun protection is discussed as well as the impact of alcohol consumption combined with UV rays speeding up the time to sunburn and increasing skin cancer risk.

The problem with sunlight deficiency and how it correlates with vitamin D deficiency and may be part of the vitamin D pandemic.   The conversation discusses the importance of vitamin D and its role in preventing various health issues, including preventing skin cancer and internal cancers. It emphasizes the need for a balance between sun exposure and protection from harmful UV rays. The conversation also highlights the benefits of vitamin D beyond bone health, in cancer mortality, in boosting immunity and fighting off acute respiratory infections and its role in overall health.


  • Choose mineral-based sunscreens with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide for safe and effective sun protection.
  • Look for broad-spectrum mineral sunscreens that protect against both UVA and UVB radiation and protect from all types of cancer.
  • Be aware of the potential risks of chemical sunscreens, such as hormone disruption and allergic reactions.
  • Alcohol consumption combined with UV rays can increase the risk of sunburn and skin cancer.
  • Include antioxidant-rich foods in your diet to provide internal sun protection. Maintaining optimal vitamin D levels is crucial for overall health and preventing various health issues.
  • Balancing sun exposure to get the sunlight benefits while protecting from UV rays to prevent skin cancer.
  • A daily dose of sunlight for 10-30 minutes between 9 am and noon is recommended, followed by covering up or using sunscreen.
  • Supplementing with vitamin D3 (or D2) is recommended, with a range of 2,000-5,000 IU per day for adults.
  • Testing blood levels of vitamin D as part of your yearly preventive medical assessment ensures sufficiency, with a preferred blood level range of 40-60 ng/mL - with a minimum of 30 ng/mL
  • Vitamin D also plays a role in preventing acute respiratory infections and has various other health benefits.


00:00 The Impact of Sunlight on Vitamin D Levels and Health

02:32 Understanding Skin Cancer, Protection and Early Detection is Key

03:35 The Role of Sunscreen to Protect Our Skin From Skin Cancer and Early Aging

05:55 Does Sunscreen Prevent Melanoma Skin Cancer or Even Increase the Risk?

09:39 Types of Sunscreen and Which Ones Are Safe

20:34 Sunscreens Need to Block Both UVB and UVA Radiation to Prevent All Types of Skin Cancer

27:08 Which Sunscreen I recommend based on latest science

28:04 Beyond Sunscreen, What Can We Do to Protect Our Skin From Skin Cancer

28:34 LIfestyle Habits That Increase Risk of Sun Burn and Skin Cancer

30:02 Antioxidant Rich Foods Protect Us from Damaging Sun Rays

32:52 Lifestyle Behaviors That Raise Risk of Skin Cancer (& Internal Cancers)

36:06 Foods That Protect Us From Cancer From The Inside Out

37:02 Does The Warnings About Over Sun Exposure To Skin Overshadow Need for a Daily Dose Of Sunshine and Drive The Vitamin D Deficiency Pandemic

40:10 Daily Dose Of Vitamin D - Deficiency, Sufficiency and Optimal Levels for Greatest Health Impact

42:06 Health Benefits of Vitamin D

51:05 Supplementation and Optimal Vitamin D Levels

51:45 Vitamin D and Cancer Risk Reduction

53:41 The Current Definition of Vitamin D Deficiency and Sufficiency

55:28 The Main Sources of Vitamin D

56:49 Highlight The Impact On Your Health of Vitamin D at Sufficient Levels

58:09 Factors that affect getting vitamin D from the sunlight

58:57 Vitamin D Supplementation, D2 or D3 which Is Best & What Dose?

01:02:00 The Optimal Blood Levels For Vitamin D To Maintain Year Round?

01:04:04 How Can We Safely Get Vitamin D Without Increasing Our Risk Of Skin Cancer?

01:05:35 Balanced Approach to Sun Exposure and Supplementation To Get All The Benefits Of Sunlight Without The Risks

01:10:33 Final Thoughts In How to Protect Our Skin From The Inside Out

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