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The Proof

#28 Sunlight Medicine: Exploring Sunlight Deficiency As a Hidden Health Risk

The Proof

Do you have sunshine deficiency? What is your daily dose of sunlight just right for your health goals? Weighing the balance between the harm and the healthy of sunlight.

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In this episode of the Wellness Table podcast, Dr. Cheryl Bothwell delves into the intriguing topic of sunshine and its profound effects on our health.   Have we underestimated the benefits of sunshine while focusing solely on its risks?

Discover how sunlight goes beyond skin cancer and vitamin D as she unveils the latest research on 7 health benefits of sunshine when at the right daily dose.Dr. Cheryl Bothwell brings all opinions to the table as she discusses the controversy around sunscreen use, particularly the concerns over benzene and the fine line between sunlight being both harmful and healing.

Curious about how sunlight can lower blood pressure? Dr. Cheryl Bothwell explains the science behind nitric oxide production and its impact on hypertension. You'll also learn how morning sunlight can synchronize your body's internal clock, improve sleep quality, and even aid in weight loss by regulating hunger hormones and boosting metabolism and burning body fat and lowering body mass index. Plus, find out how sunlight can boost your mood and combat seasonal affective disorder and depression.

This episode is packed with surprising insights that might just change the way you think about your daily dose of sunshine.


00:00 Introduction: The Controversy of Sunshine

00:56 Meet Dr. Cheryl Bothwell: Your Guide to Nutrition & Lifestyle Medicine

02:53 Sunscreen Controversy: Protection or Poison?

10:21 Rethinking Sunscreen: The Risk-Benefit Ratio of Sunshine

13:26 Unveiling 7 Health Benefits of Sunshine

13:29 #1 Vitamin D Production: Sunshine’s Top Benefit

16:22 #2 Strengthening Bones with Sunlight

17:30 #3 Sunlight as Nature’s Bacteria Killer

18:43 #4 Lowering Blood Pressure: The Nitric Oxide Connection

28:30 #5 Better Sleep through Sunlight Exposure

29:43 #6 Boosting Mood: Sunlight and Serotonin

31:48 #7 Morning Sunlight for Weight Loss

40:28 How Much Sunlight Do You Need Daily?

42:41 Finding the Right Balance: Just Enough Sunshine

43:55 Conclusion: The Benefits and Risks of Sun Exposure

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