5-29-24 Defend Your Skin From the Inside Out.
Members exclusive weekly podcast with highlights from The Wellness Table Podcast on creating a wellness plan that includes the health and harmful impact of sunlight and how to know if you are getting the right daily dose of sunlight and your daily dose of vitamin D with out raising your risk for skin cancer and ready your wellness goals. The Wellness Members weekly message from Dr. Cheryl with detailed strategies to hit your daily dose of sunshine and your daily dose of vitamin D.
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Your weekly coaching message from Dr. Cheryl for Wellness Members only. This week is about how to protect your skin from skin cancer without compromising your daily dose of sunlight and getting your optimal dose of vitamin D. What are the best sunscreens and what foods have a sunscreen like protection against UV rays, and what lifestyle behaviors can make our skin more sensitive to UV rays and speed up the time to sunburn.
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