Can you reactivate your stem cells and reverse disease with diet and lifestyle? Take charge of your own health destiny!
Getting Started series with Dr. Cheryl. The episode topic is all about your body’s superpower, its ability to heal itself from the inside out. You are incharge of your own health destiny by the daily lifestyle choices you make that will reactivate your stem cells and your body's natural health defense & heal your body from the inside out with diet and lifestyle.
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Getting started series with Dr. Cheryl. Real health is a lifestyle. And what we eat and how we live can determine our health destiny. We can turn our body’s natural superpower stem cells with food and lifestyle and regenerate cells, tissue, organs from the damage along our aging process. OUR BODY IS PROTECTED protected by a series of remarkable health defense systems that are firing on all cylinders, from birth to the last day alive, keeping our cells and organs functioning smoothly. These health defenses are hardwired in our body to protect us. Some are so powerful they can even reverse diseases like cancer and heal blood vessels.
These defense systems are common denominators of health. IF WE FOCUS ON THESE COMMON DENOMINATORS OF HEALTH AND INTERCEPT DISEASE EARLY BEFORE THEY SET IN, WE CAN BETTER TREAT DISEASE AND LIVE MORE HEALTHY YEARS. You can be in control of your own health destiny by making daily lifestyle choices that help your body heal from the inside out.Dr. Cheryl+ membership and digital program is all about helping you know what the best lifestyle choices are for you to feel your best, fight disease, heal the body, drop waist size and eat happy to live more healthy years.Let's get started! I am here to guide you every step of the way as you start making lifestyle choices that will heal your body from the inside out. Ask my anything - questions or share any comments or suggestions in the member forum. Introduce yourself and meet other wellness community members. Lets build this membership to be a supportive and inspiring space for everyone.
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Natural health defense
- Lifestyle Choices
- Stem Cell Regeneration
- Gut Health
- Diet & Lifestyle to Heal the body
- Getting Started with Dr. Cheryl+