Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.
Know your Wellness Score.  Raise your score and regain your health. Take your member wellness score today.

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Welcome to wellness, Dr. Cheryl

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What's the score?


Learn to treat the root cause of your health problems and take control of your wellness with The Score!

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Show notes

Topics discussed in this episode: 

  • What is The Score? (0:23)
  • How your quality of life can change with The Score (1:47)
  • Replacement foods in an upcoming podcast (3:16)


I'm Dr. Cheryl and welcome to wellness. Can you imagine if your doctor prescribed blueberries instead of pills? Can you fathom if you got a tiny piece of paper that said 30 minute walk on it with your doctor's signature? Can you picture being prescribed a perfect plate of fresh food that you knew could cure? My proprietary health score is just that. It is a lifestyle prescription of what to do more of, based on your personal goals and health needs. It is an integrative wellness approach and targeted nutrition designed for real results and lasting transformation. This score is based on cutting edge applied science. What is applied science mean? It means we have tried this with thousands of people and it works. The wellness score is my life's work. 10 daily lifestyle habits and 10 foods that make up one 20-point score. I have observed people from all walks of life over the last 12 years who have implemented the score as a simple tool to educate, inspire, and stay on track for a life of wellness. I have heard their stories that in just 10 days cravings start to change, meals with less calories start making them full longer, their weight drops and muscle mass increases, and their waist circumference drops up to an inch in just 10 days.

These symptoms and risk biomarkers such as blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol are all improving with reduced need for medication in just 10 days. When people started to practice increasing their score from the starting point on average of 10.5 points and increasing to 19 to 20 for 10 days. When practicing lifestyle with a score of 18 points or above for 10 days, you're guaranteed to be moving towards your targeted health goals. We have seen quality of life drastically change from mental fog to clarity, fatigue to energy.

And this works because we are treating the root cause of the problem, changing genetic expression to promote health. And we're physiologically changing the body's hunger and fullness cues to do more of what makes us well. People say they are empowered with wellness in their own hands and feel hope, happiness, and real health improvements. And they created their personal wellness ritual based on their preferences, goals, and intentions.

This score allows us to make actionable insights from the food we eat and daily habits that we do and connects the dots to feeling good, and looking good, and making significant health improvements. Once you experience this feeling, most people never want to go back to their old lifestyle that resulted in exhaustion, inflammation, and overall poor well-being. When you open up the score, you will see questions like, how many cups of berries do I eat in a day? And how many cups of beans do you eat in a day? And how many minutes of exercise do you get? It is okay if you are generally guessing, assuming that you, like me, don't measure your berries and greens every day. It is okay if you answer none to nearly all of the questions. We all start somewhere and the average score is 10. It is okay if you feel tempted to lie just so you score higher. But don't do that though. It isn't helpful and all good healing starts with telling the truth. It's okay if you see a food you never want to eat. I will do a deep dive on great replacements in upcoming podcast. Okay, let's find out what you uniquely should be doing more of to begin your lifestyle prescription today.

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